Tuesday, 19 August 2014


This summer we went camping with my family (well, except for one of my brothers and a future sister in law :( , to Johnsons Shut Ins State Park in MO.  My mom had gone when she was a child but none of us kids had and I had been wanting to go for several years and it finally worked out for us to go this year!  For those of you who have never heard of it, it is a waterway that has these AMAZING rock fromations in the creek bed that form natural waterslides, little pools, and beautiful waterfalls.  It is just absolutely amazing and soooo much fun!  And your allowed to get into the water!!!! :D
If you haven't been it is a must family vacation spot!

This is a shot overlooking the shut ins...

They also have some pretty trails as well. 
We went on one that we thought would be about an hour but ended up being like 2 and a half up hill both ways!  Needless to say we were very ready to get in the water after that!

In some areas the water was deep enough to dive into!  There were people jumping off the rocks into the water, my husband and brothers included.  I thought for sure they were going to bust their heads open on a hidden rock or something. 

I have such a handsome husband!  ;)

....and a crazy one.

My Man found me this teeny tiny frog that was soooo CUTE!!!



  1. Looks like tons of fun! ;)

  2. Hello! I saw a new blog show up on our sidebar and just had to look and see who it was. :) It's good to be able to keep in touch with what you all are doing.

    1. Hey Hosanna! :D Thanks for stopping by! Hope you are doing well! :)

  3. It looks like a lot of fun-it would have been great to be there! :)

    1. Ya, we were wishing the whole time you and Ben were there. :/ Maybe next year!! :D

  4. What a beautiful place!!! Wonderful to see God's handiwork and power!! Such sweet memories! I am so blessed!!!!! mom
